The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain.
ENS’s job is to map human-readable names like ‘alice.eth’ to machine-readable identifiers such as Ethereum addresses, other cryptocurrency addresses, content hashes, and metadata. ENS also supports ‘reverse resolution’, making it possible to associate metadata such as canonical names or interface descriptions with Ethereum addresses.
ENS has similar goals to DNS, the Internet’s Domain Name Service, but has significantly telegram的官网的最新下载的网址在哪里 different architecture due to the capabilities and constraints provided by the Ethereum blockchain. Like DNS, ENS operates on a system of dot-separated hierarchical names called domains, with the owner of a domain having full control over subdomains.
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Top-level domains, like ‘.eth’ and ‘.test’, are owned by smart telegram的官网最新下载的网址在哪呢 contracts called registrars, which specify rules governing the allocation of their subdomains. Anyone may, by following the rules imposed by these registrar contracts, obtain ownership of a domain for their own use. ENS also supports importing in DNS names already owned by the user for use on ENS.
Because of the hierarchal nature of ENS, anyone who owns a domain telegram 中文版下载地方是多少 at any level may configure subdomains telegram的官网的最新的下载的方法怎么找 – for themselves or others – as desiredtelegram下载地方在哪里. For instance, if Alice owns 'alice.eth', she can create 'pay.alice.eth' and configure it as she wishes.telegram的官网的最新下载的方法
ENS is deployed on the Ethereum main network and on several test networks. If you use a library such as the ensjs Javascript library, or an end-user application, it will automatically detect the network you are interacting with and use the telegram 的中文版在哪里 ENS deployment on that network.
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