Shelling is providing DeFi solutions. It built on smartchain BEP-20 ( . Shelling is building payment telegram官方下载的地址 platform to allow companies and individuals to accept cryptocurrency for the services and goods they sell.

  Shelling work to create a simple and secure software solution to enable people to participate in the digital revolution by bridging the gap between people & crypto market, through simplifying crypto to everyone Moreover, people would be able to send invoice to anyone and get it paid with crypto SHL. Shelling telegram的官网的最新下载地方在哪里 payment system will connect people to the new technology blockchain by developing new trustworthy payment solutions.

  Shelling Tools Include:

  - Fiat/Crypto Protocol, to increase cryptocurrency adoption by creating fast, simple and secure software solutions.

  - Payment platform to enable online sellers accepting cryptocurrency SHLtelegram的官网最新的下载的网站在哪里

  - Sending Invoice for those who don’t have website could accept telegram的的官网最新的下载的地方是多少 crypto currency by sending invoice to the buyers and get it paid with crypto
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  Why Shelling?

  Shelling is a historical coin that dates back to hundreds of years ago traded by many people from different countries and continents, as it was reliable and valuabletelegram的的官网的最新的下载的网站在哪里. Today Shelling team aim to make SHL one of the most valuable, solid and telegram 官方网站 trustworthy for economic exchange.
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  How Many SHL Are There in Circulation?

  There is an initial maximum supply of 1,000,000,000,000 SHL, of which 700,000,000,000 SHL are currently in circulation as of December 2021.
